Our job offers for developers and techs
Découvrez une sélection de jobs que vous ne trouverez nul part ailleurs avec salaire, politique de télétravail, avantages et bien plus.
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Remote work
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We believe that every developer should be able to find easily and by himself his dream job.
WeLoveDevs.com Team
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Popular cities
Our companies recruit in all the tech cities in France, in many tech metropolises of the world or in telecommuting. Create an account if your dream city is not on the list to receive great opportunities directly from recruiters!See all cities
Popular professions
Our jobs sorted by professions. WeLoveDevs.com is designed for developers as well as all tech professions (coders, designers, managers, etc.)See all professions
Web developer
183 job offers
Back-end developer
160 job offers
UI Designer
82 job offers
Web Integrator
14 job offers
Full stack developer376 job offers
DevOps142 job offers
Cybersecurity Engineer190 job offers
Mobile developer120 job offers
IT Project Manager221 job offers
IT Architect191 job offers
Data Scientist410 job offers
Software tester (QA)37 job offers
Scrum Master12 job offers
Product Owner84 job offers
Front-end developer122 job offers
System Administrator4 job offers
Video-games developer37 job offers
Lead developer255 job offers
CTO34 job offers
Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)25 job offers
Artificial Intelligence Expert34 job offers
Tech Lead45 job offers
Embedded systems engineer35 job offers
Blockchain Expert24 job offers
Tech support officier289 job offers
Nocode Maker3 job offers
Jobs sorted by experience
Experience is a crucial element in a job search: juniors are often looking for a first experience and experts may be here for the hidden gems.See jobs by experience
Popular technologies
Most developers have their favorite technologies even if they master several languages. Here are our jobs sorted by technology.See all technologies
The WeLoveDevs.com quality charter
The jobs on WeLoveDevs.com are handpicked! They respect strict quality criteria, we encourage recruiters to follow our best practices: list of technologies, salary range, information on teleworking, etc...
- Jobs are visible for 30 days. After this time, the recruiter must manually confirm that the job is still active to ensure you have recent and still open job opportunities.
- The jobs are for developers: frontend, backend, fullstack, sys admin, etc... and jobs related to the developer job (product manager, project manager...).
- The technologies are indicated on each job, easily find your favorite language: Javascript, Docker, PHP, Java, React, Symfony, Angular, Python, Rails, .net, Swift etc ...
- The number of jobs is limited and companies need to pay for them, there is no "unlimited jobs" option. This is the guarantee for developers to have quality ads that match "real jobs" and not companies that build a pool of candidates.