
Jobs for PHP developers | 80+ jobs

Discover our jobs dedicated to developer PHP developers and techs. Developers working on developer PHP are in high demand!

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PHP is a recursive acronym that stands for "PHP Hypertext Processor". But did you know that its first name meant "Personal Home Page Tools", then renamed PHP Tools?
Yes we learn cool things by attending the great PHP community.

What is coded with PHP?

Simply the majority of the web? A 2016 study indicates that 82% of websites use PHP as their server technology. If PHP is so popular, it's because it's used both by the casual developer who codes his personal site, and by the e-commerce experts at [Alice's Garden ]( /fr/company/alices-garden)

And then it's the language under the hood of Wordpress, which is also super popular on the web. Companies will most often use Symfony or Laravel (the Rails of PHP). If you need a CMS, you will surely opt for Drupal. Yes, there is everything you need in the world of PHP. And what's more, it's even a very modern object-oriented language now.

For e-commerce, you probably know Prestashop and Magento. But the most underrated remains Sylius!

Come for the software, stay for the community

It's the slogan, the motto of the Drupal community, but in reality it also works for the rest of the PHP community. The AFUP, the French Association of PHP Users is really super active and animated by its members. And she shines with her inclusion and kindness 🌟
They organize several events each year: PHP Forum, AFUP Day etc... Go meet them!

Where do we do PHP?

We do a lot of PHP in France! It is one of the most popular languages ​​after Java and JavaScript.

The AFUP publishes each year, in partnership with the JDN, a barometer of the salaries of their members. Read the full report
And there are 3 types of companies that you don't see elsewhere: Press/Media, Communication Agency and Web Agency.
So they are not in the majority, moreover no group is in the majority. PHP is used in Startup: Aramis Auto, Jarvis Legal or [Friday]( /Friday)
Experts in PHP and Symfony will certainly be at Les Tilleuls or [SensioLabs]( /company/sensiolabs).

You can even go do PHP at the CPAM thanks to WeLoveDevs.

Which MCQs for PHP?

Symfony developer salary is better than PHP developer salary in general.
It's normal ! The tool makes it possible to do more things, and therefore to create more value for the company.

Before going to pass your certification on Symfony, we offer you some MCQs:

Our articles about PHP

Participez au baromètre des salaires en PHP mené par l’AFUP
L’enquête de référence portant sur les salaires et les conditions de travail en PHP est lancée !  Ce baromètre est un outil indispensable pour tou·tes les développeur·ses PHP et recruteur·ses. L’AFUP est cette année en collaboration avec WeLoveDevs pour cette 11ᵉ édition. Je vous invite à aller lire le rapport de l’AFUP sur son baromètre 2022 L’AFUP qu’est-ce que c’est  ?  Le baromètre AFUP est un outil de mesure et d’analyse développé par l’Asso...
a year ago
Enrichir les Enums PHP avec des attributs : Guide complet Laravel
Les Enums en PHP offrent de nombreuses possibilités sur un projet, particulièrement lorsqu’on les associe efficacement à des entités pour gérer des affichages de valeurs, des formulaires, et plus encore. Dans ce guide complet Laravel, nous allons découvrir comment les utiliser. Attention : les attributs PHP sont disponibles depuis la version 8 de PHP. Cependant, il peut arriver que l’on ait besoin d’ajouter des informations supplémentaires à un E...
a year ago
Mastering PHP Enums Attributes in Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide
PHP Enums offer numerous possibilities in a project, especially when effectively associated with entities to manage value displays, forms, and more. In this comprehensive Laravel guide, we will explore how to use them. Warning: PHP attributes are available since PHP 8. However, it may happen that we need to add additional information to an Enum. Here are some examples: I have an Enum for roles but I also want to manage a detailed text that will ...
a year ago

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