Test details
We will not hide it from you, the WeLoveDevs app is made in React ⚛️. We really like React !
This quiz contains a large part of the concepts to know about this library.
There are questions before hooks and questions after hooks, but you should be able to get by with a little practice :)
This test only talks about react. There are therefore very few (one or two) questions relating to peripheral libraries (redux, jss, material ...)
It tests the following skills:
- describe a UI with React ⚛️
- how to manage the state of a component
- how to organize its components
- how to manage the state of components
- optimize rendering
- detect and fix bugs in React code
- API hooks
Test author : La team W3D 💙
Clément and Vincent are two developers at WeLoveDevs.
Our stack is based on React, Firebase and Javascript / Typescript, so we spend a lot of time to experience the specifics of React ⚛️.
We think that this quiz allows to test the capacities of a developer who already has a few experience with React.
Sample question
What is the non-JSX equivalent of the following code?
ReactDOM.render(<Hello toWhat="World"/>, document.getElementById('root'));
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