Test details
This MCQ on the Symfony 2 framework was carried out by Jean-Jacques PERUZZI, Symfony 2 and 3 developer and trainer. With this MCQ, you can test your knowledge of the framework in depth, both in domain and in level (questions beginner to expert).
Many areas are covered so that the assessment is as relevant as possible:
- Services
- Doctrine
- The events
- The cache, the controllers
- Forms, routing
- The translation
- The templating
- The validation
- Console
- Twig
- Profiler
- Logs
- Security
Test author : Jean-jacques Peruzzi
Passionate about web professions for 17 years and an entrepreneur at heart, I now work as a freelance lead developer and PHP / Symfony 2 and 3 trainer. My experience allows me to provide advice in technical design and assistance in project management for the functional design. I really like to share my passion through the trainings that I lead and the Symfony workshops that I organize on my Meetup Symfony Aix / Marseille group. As soon as I have the opportunity, I take an interest in DevOps, Agility, BDD NoSQL, UX (user experience), ... I am motivated by improving the user experience which must be central and I attaches particular importance to emotional design (ergonomics, design, accessibility). Quiet and thoughtful, I know how to observe and react to integrate myself into a work team.
To find out more, I invite you to consult my LinkedIn or my CV.
Sample question
What are the solutions to keep the user session when clearing the cache with the following command:
php app/console cache:clear
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