
Test Angular 4 (legacy)

Test AngularJS with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

September 2023
10 minutes

ℹ️ This test is about Angular 4. Also discover our test on the latest version of Angular here.

Angular (commonly known as "Angular 2+" or "Angular V2 and more") 2.3 is a client-side (Framework) cadar, Open Source, based on TypeScript, and co-directed by the "Angular" project team to Google and a community of individuals and companies. Angular is a complete rewrite of Angularjs, Cadriel built by the same team.
Differences with Angularjs

  • Angular has no concept of "scope" or controllers, instead it uses a hierarchy of components as the main architectural characteristic.
  • Angular has a different expression syntax, focusing on "[]" for the binding of the properties, and "()" for event links.
  • Modularity - Many basic features have been moved to modules
  • Angular recommends the use of the TypeScript language, created by Microsoft
  • Dynamic loading
  • Asynchronous compilation of models
  • Iterative reminders provided by RXJS. RXJS Limits of the status of visibility and debugging, but these problems can be resolved with reagent add-ons like NGREACT or NGRX.
This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 25 questions in AngularJS.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
⚠️ Ranking results of all timemay not be relevant because the test has not been taken enough times yet.
⌛ Ranking not yet available !The ranking will be available when a minimum of developers have completed it.

Test author : Mathieu Robin

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Sample question

What are the hooks that are part of the Angular component lifecycle?

See 25 test questions.

Developers ratings

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Vincent Vauban
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Jocelyn LOISY
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Intéressant ! certaines questions ont besoin de plus de temps que prévu.
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greatful test , i appreciate it