Test Drupal 8

Test Drupal with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

October 2023
10 minutes

Drupal 8 is a major version of the open source Drupal software. Technically, it transforms Drupal from a content management system ("CMS") into a content management platform ("CMF") by integrating the Symfony 2 framework.

This test validates your knowledge on the following subjects:

  • Good practices
  • Modules
  • Filters
  • Setting
  • The themes
  • Command lines
This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 20 questions in Drupal.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
⌛ Ranking not yet available !The ranking will be available when a minimum of developers have completed it.

Test author : Leon Cros

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Sample question

In the code of my Drupal 8 module beautiful, what are the correct ways to display a message to the user in good practice?

See 20 test questions.

Developers ratings

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Hi it's good and best practice for given such type of exams
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Manell Ben brahim
Good questions for evaluation
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Un test assez difficle pour un débutant en drupal
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Matthieu Scarset
Test vraiment sympa. Un peu trop de questions orientees "traduction". Pourrait gagner en efficacite avec des questions sur l'injection de dependance, les services, les methodes deprecated en D9/10... mais sinon c'etait marrant :) merci