
Test C# - Fundamentals

Test C# with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

January 2025
14 minutes

The MCQ "C# - The basics" aims to validate a large number of elementary theoretical skills necessary for any C# developer.
You will cover general concepts related to OOP, WPF and ASP.NET Frameworks.
Elementary and essential reminders on the notions of variable, recursion, method and class specific to this language will be studied. This test covers the notions and concepts related to inheritance with abstract classes and interfaces, but also tables, matrices and simple lists.
You will be required to analyze algorithms and deduce the output result as well as their possible design errors.

This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 38 questions in C#.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
⚠️ Ranking results of all timemay not be relevant because the test has not been taken enough times yet.
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Test author : Maxime Dienger

Currently a 3rd year student in an engineering school specializing in digital technologies (ESILV), I am passionate about web and IT development as a whole, entrepreneurship and more particularly Web3.0 technologies.
I like to transmit, create content and share knowledge with as many people as possible. If you want to contact me, find me on linkedin

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Sample question

The notion of simple inheritance between a Arbre parent class and Platane is marked as follows:

See 38 test questions.

Developers ratings

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It was a Great assessment. Thanks
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Arthur Cousseau
Trop de technos spécifiques Des exemples de code old school mal adaptés à des questions timées
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Beaucoup de questions qui ne sont pas des questions C# (ex WPF) mais plus liées au framework .Net et certaines autres ne sont pas des questions de base.