Test Android

Test Android with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

February 2024
18 minutes

Android is Everywhere

Do we have to present Android? This is the operating system that is in your phone. Unless you have an iPhone. And it can go on your TV, in your box, in your watch, in your car. Everywhere!
Specialist in embedded systems and man-machine interfaces, Android offers an SDK to make very universal applications, regardless of the hardware.
It is often said that Android is owned by Google, when in fact it belongs to the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium led by Google with a lot of phone manufacturers in it. You can contribute and build your own version thanks to AOSP: the Android Open Source Project.

Refresh 2021

Before, Android developers used Eclipse, their phones had NAND with 16MB of memory, and they did XML. Today there is Jetpack Compose, Android Auto, and Android TV and everyone is doing Kotlin in Android Studio. The world has changed Marty!
So we asked Fanny to update this quiz : 20 new questions to refresh the existing database! 😀
Here are the concepts evaluated:

  • Jetpack libraries (Compose, LiveData, ...)
  • Google's recommendations in terms of architecture
  • The life cycle of the Activity and Fragment entities,
  • The structuring and implementation of the graphical interface,
  • Asynchronism in all its forms
  • Kotlin, coroutines and flows
This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 63 questions in Android.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
⚠️ Ranking results of all timemay not be relevant because the test has not been taken enough times yet.
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Test author : Fanny Demey

We did a Podcast portrait of Fanny Demey. Have a look to it here : https://podc ast.ausha.co/welovedevs-podcast/portrait-de-developpeuse-fanny-demey

She has been developing in a whole bunch of fields for more than 10 years, in particular mobile on Android.
She is a Lille resident committed to the community, President of GDG, organizer of DevFest Lille.
She is also committed to accessibility, you can hear her as a host on the TechEthic podcast.
In short, you have to make a developer passionate about her subjects and her commitments. And that's how we develop sincere expertise.

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Sample question

What is the role of an adapter in the Android framework?

See 63 test questions.

Developers ratings

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Some questions are irrelevant since knowing them/not knowing them doesn't matter
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Very nice! A Good instrument for evaluați knowledges.
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