This company did not confirm to hire developers at this moment. However, feel free to contact them with a spontaneous application 😉
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London, United Kingdom
Occasional Teleworking
Product company of 0 employees
Accepts freelances
Usually reply within 3 days
8 likes received
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No IT team currently. Un lien direct avec le PDG en attendant que l’équipe IT se forme en fonction des projets et de la réussite de la start-up.


All ideas are good to test if they bring a plus to the business or the atmosphere inside the team. The listening and respect are key part of the management and initiatives are welcome. La prise d’initiatives, l’écoute et le respect caractérisent le management de la start-up. Toutes les idées sont bonnes à tester si elles apportent un plus au business ou à l’ambiance.

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