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Full-Stack Software Engineer (CDI, Remote Available)

> 3 années d'expérience
40k€ ➞ 55k€/an

Job description

Elevo is looking for a Full-stack Engineer to take a prime role in our team

As a full-stack engineer in our team, you will:

  • Jointly design, deliver and monitor new features
  • Interact with the codebase as a whole, be it front-end, back-end, or infrastructure (it’s in the code, too)
  • Grow your expertise and technical vision

Some example of things you could/would have work on:

  • Write unit, integration and E2E tests to ensure everything is ticking nicely before a release
  • Add an external integration with a third party API with which to sync user data
  • Implement the redesign of the user profile
  • Add a filtering component reusable from anywhere in the UI
  • Tweak our auto-save feature to handle network interruptions more nicely

Preferred experience

🧐 Your are a pragmatic person
🎓 You like to think through challenges to deliver the best product possible
👑 You care about our customer experience
🏆 You have at least 3 years of professional experience in a full stack environment on an SPA app
🧮 You have good knowledge of modern JavaScript and component-driven UI development
🎉 You like to work in a team in a chill and fun spirit

Recruitment process

1️⃣ Application
2️⃣ Screening 1 (20 min: what we do, what are you looking for)
3️⃣ Screening 2 (1h, CS & programming basics)
4️⃣ Remote deep-dive: Technical interview (1h Design + 2h Full-Stack implementation)
5️⃣ On-site soft skills (currently remote): Chat with employees and founders

Link to the offer ➡️https://www.welcometothejungle.com/fr/companies/elevo/jobs/full-stack-software-engineer-cdi_paris_ELEVO_dMZ55Pk

L'équipeTeam of 5 developers + 1 Product Working together to design, spec and develop Elevo
Le managementWe are developing in 1 week sprints. We favor pragmatism and avoid cargo-culting. When in doubt however, we keep an eye on how other inspiring software makers are doing. For us it would be JIRA or GitLab. We ship once a week, have CI in place, and humbly start our path to CD (but we will get there).
Recruiter Marie Intoci photo
Marie IntociRépond dans les 3 jours



A propos de l'entreprise

We are dedicated to create smooth, beautiful software to make people management better. We are inspired by the best practices we have witnessed first hand in our past experiences in bigger tech companies such as Apple, Google or Criteo. We think a well crafted software can help induce a positive paradigm shift in how companies think about performance management and feedback. Lire la suite


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