Either the following code:
function Creature(name, age, strength) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.strength = strength;
Creature.prototype.saySomething = function(words) {
console.info(this.name + 'says:' + words.toLowerCase());
function Orc(name, age, strength) {
Creature.call(this, name, age, strength);
Orc.prototype = Object.create(Creature.prototype, { constructor: { value: Orc }});
Orc.prototype.scream = function(words) {
console.info(this.name + 'screams:' + words.toUpperCase() + '!!!');
How could we use the ES2015(ES6) syntax to improve this code so that it gives exactly the same result?
Author: Jean-marie CléryStatus: PublishedQuestion passed 2031 times
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