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À propos
Passion driven architect, lead developer and advocate.
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Expériences professionnelles
Community Manager
Sopra Steria - Lillemars 2017 - juin 2019 · 2 ans 3 mois

I co-created a team called "XNET Spirit" (later called "Spirit") inside SopraSteria.We animated the software builders community by organizing technical events,such as the monthly "Flash Techno" and other team-building events.

RedOps Team Co-creator
Sopra Steria - Lillesept. 2018 - aujourd'hui · 6 ans 6 mois

I co-created and led a team of twelve passion driven experts.Our goal was to share our passion and the best practices we learn among ourcompany's service centres.We wanted to change the vision around new technologies, to build state-of-the-art, maintanable and reliable applications and to help others build them.

Speaker at the EBusiness and Mobility Chair
Centrale Lille - Lillesept. 2013 - juin 2018 · 4 ans 9 mois

I used to speak at Centrale Lille to Senior students about Web Technologies.
I trained them in JavaScript, following each year's trends in the world.
I helped some of them with their last-year projects, and participated to some of
the examination boards.
It ended when the Chair ended at Centrale.

Software Engineer
Sopra Steria - Lillejuin 2013 - janv. 2016 · 2 ans 7 mois

Not much to say, I was working as a Lead Developer since I got in Sopra Steria, it took 2 years before I had the title.

Lead Software Developer
Sopra Steria - Lillejanv. 2016 - aujourd'hui · 9 ans 2 mois

As a Lead Dev, I had to help a lot of projects for a lot of clients, mostly aroundJavaScript (Node/Express, ReactJS, React Native (on an Android TV),VueJS, Angular, AngularJS, SAPUI5) but also in Java, PHP. I love addinglinters and other static code analysis tool, using Git hooks to prevent me fromcommitting if a single warning is found. For example, I follow Eslint Airbnb &the conventionalcommit conventions.I've got a lot of experience with different databases (MongoDB, PostgreSQL,OracleSQL, mySQL), with different deployment systems (such as AWS S3,Azure WebApps, GCP AppEngine), with a lot of different tooling (Docker,Kubernetes, Helm, Openshift or Vagrant / Packer / Terraform / Rundeck).I've also got quite a fair experience on GCP, mostly around JS CloudFunctions, Pubsub, GKE, AppEngine.My CI/CD pipelines run mostly on Gitlab CI or Azure DevOps, using GitlabFlow.

I'm also able to find memory leaks, performance bottlenecks, being called byother projects to help them find and fix them.I'm not afraid of writing an API Gateway using Nginx and LUA or learning Rubyquickly to help debug scripts from my coworkers.I love sharing and I love learning.

Software Architect
Sopra Steria - Lillejanv. 2016 - aujourd'hui · 9 ans 2 mois

As a Software Architect, I also had different missions.At first, I mostly audited applications, for security (I may have dropped a fewdatabases), for performance, or for quality and maintainability.I also designed quite a few software architectures, from monolithic applicationsto cloud-based micro-services. I also love Event Driven Architectures, or usingdifferent databases for different purposes.I've also been helping with pre-sales propositions, estimating costs, designingarchitectures and/or building prototypes.A few years ago, I got certified as a Software Architect by a training co-organized between my company and schools.

Sopra Academy Trainer
Sopra Steria - Lillejanv. 2016 - aujourd'hui · 9 ans 2 mois

I've been training clients and coworkers from all around France on technology.Mostly around JS and its caveats, but also React, AngularJS, Angular,NoSQL. I've also written a few of them, incrementally and in collaboration with myteammates.

5 ans d'études supérieures
Télécom SudParis
Solution Architect BADGE, Computer Engineering2019
Centrale Lille
Engineer's degree, Computer Engineering2013
Lycée Faidherbe
CPGE MP*2010
Lycée Baggio
Baccalauréat Sciences, spécialité Sciences de l'ingénieur option européenne anglais, Sciences2008
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Interessé parLearning Rust or ReasonML
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