
Question du test Anglais : Compréhension d'email

Résumez les principaux points de l'email de Nick à Luan.


Quels sont les points principaux que Nick mentionne dans son email à Luan ?

From: Nick <nick@example.com>
To: Luan <luan@example.com>
Cc: IT Team <it-team@example.com>
Subject: WeLoveDevs.com New Feature Deployment

Hi Luan,

We need to deploy the new feature for WeLoveDevs.com by the end of this week. This feature includes the updated search functionality and user profile improvements. Can you handle the front-end updates while I take care of the back-end integration?

Please review the latest mockups and let me know if you encounter any issues. Also, we should conduct a thorough testing session before the final deployment to ensure everything works smoothly.

PS: Don't forget to bring the snacks for the testing session! 🍿

Auteur: PierreStatut : Publiée(Mise à jour)Question passée 40 fois
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