Question du test Typescript - Tour d'horizon

Qu'est-ce qu'un tuple en TypeScript?


Qu'est-ce qu'un tuple dans TypeScript ?

Auteur: Vincent CotroStatut : Archivée(Nouvelle question !)Question passée 165 fois
Évaluations de la communauté
developer avatar
This answer is not correct. Answer 1 and 3 are BOTH correct. Tuples ARE ordered in typescript, therefore they CAN be used to store an ordered list of elements.
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Vincent Cotro
Hi Jake, Answer 3 is subject to discussion. I understand that it is true but most of the developers are choosing answer 1 vs answer 3. I will validate your alternative question and remove this answer to make it less debatable.
developer avatar
If most developers are choosing 1 or 3 but only 1 is correct than only one answer should be selectable. If multiple answers can be selected, the implication is that multiple answers can be correct. You should change the format of the test if you only want one answer to be selectable.