Technical articles

Mastering PHP Enums Attributes in Laravel: A Step-by-Step Guide

PHP Enums offer numerous possibilities in a project, especially when effectively associated with entities to manage value displays, forms, and more. In this comprehensive Laravel guide, we will explore how to use them.

Warning: PHP attributes are available since PHP 8.

However, it may happen that we need to add additional information to an Enum. Here are some examples:

  • I have an Enum for roles but I also want to manage a detailed text that will be displayed for each role.
  • I have an Enum to manage the states of articles on a blog, but I also want to manage colors corresponding to each state.

And we can imagine many cases like these. A fairly simple solution is to create a method in our Enum (For example description) which returns the corresponding value.

However, this approach can generate many methods to create according to the needs, and the code remains quite rigid, as in the following example:

public function description(): string
    return match($this) 
        self::ADMIN => 'He\'s got full powers',
        self::USER => 'A classic user, with classic rights',
        self::GUEST => 'Oh, a guest, be nice to him!',

In this article, we will see how to go further by using PHP Attributes to enrich our Enums. We will cover the concepts of Enums, Attributes and Reflection API. I had this idea when I discovered a package that offers many additional features for Enums, including attributes. I thought that digging into this subject and redoing a version myself would be interesting, and I will tell you about the package in question at the end of the article.

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Project setup

Personnally, I use Sail, which is very simple to set up, to run my project locally. All the information is on the official Laravel documentation:

I also configured an alias for the sail command so that I don’t have to write ./vendor/bin/sail for each command. All the information is here:

Let’s start by creating a new project with the following command:

curl -s "" | bash

Next, let’s install Tailwind to be able to quickly style our project (and also because I like Tailwind). The complete Tailwind installation guide for Laravel is available here:

The installation must have generated two files tailwind.config.js and postcss.config.js.

Once the project is initialized, launched locally and the command npm run dev executed, we can start working on it.

For the moment, we find this famous landing page:

But, we don’t care about it, so we can delete the welcome.blade.php view.

Now, let’s code

We need users

Let’s start by running the migrations to create the users table:

sail artisan migrate

Then, let’s modify the database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php file to add users, as follows:


namespace Database\Seeders;

// use Illuminate\Database\Console\Seeds\WithoutModelEvents;
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
     * Seed the application's database.
     */    public function run(): void

And we finish by running the following command to create the users:

sail artisan db:seed

Creation of the users listing page

We start by creating a Controller to manage our users. For this, we will run the following command:

sail artisan make:controller UserController

Then, let’s create a route to access our users listing page. Modify the file routes/web.php and add the following route instead of the default route:

Route::get('/', [UserController::class, 'index'])->name('users.index');

And, let’s create the index method in our Controller to return the users listing view. For this, we will modify the file app/Http/Controllers/UserController.php and add the following method:

public function index()
    return view('users');

After that, let’s create a layout for our application in a file resources/views/components/layout.blade.php and add the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ str_replace('_', '-', app()->getLocale()) }}">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

        <title>Enums powers</title>
    <body class="antialiased">
        <div class="relative min-h-screen bg-gray-100 bg-center">
            <div class="p-6 mx-auto max-w-7xl lg:p-8">
                {{ $slot }}

Thus, the code on the users listing page will be lighter. So, let’s create the users listing view in a file resources/views/users.blade.php and add the following code:

   <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">Users</h1>
   <!-- We will insert the users list here later -->

To be able to display the list of users, we will send it to the view from the Controller. For this, let’s modify the index method of the Controller app/Http/Controllers/UserController.php and add this:

public function index()
    $users = User::all();
    return view('users', compact('users'));

We will then modify the view resources/views/users.blade.php to display the list of users as follows:

   <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">Users</h1>
        @foreach ($users as $user)
            <li class="px-4 py-2 my-4 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded">
                <p class="font-semibold">{{ $user->name }}</p>
                <p class=text-gray-500>{{ $user->email }}</p>

That gives us a nice list of users:

Creation of the Enum for roles

We still don’t have any roles to display for our users. So, let’s create an Enum to manage the roles. For this, we will create the file app/Enums/RoleEnum.php and add the following code:


namespace App\Enums;

enum RoleEnum: string
    case ADMIN = 'admin';
    case USER = 'user';
    case GUEST = 'guest';

Let’s now modify the model app/Models/User.php to use our Enum. For this, we will add the following line in the $castsproperty:

protected $casts = [
    /* ... */    'role' => RoleEnum::class,

We will then modify the migration to add the role column in the users table. For this, let’s modify the file database/migrations/2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.phpwith a new definition of the users table as follows:

Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

It is also necessary to modify the factory database/factories/UserFactory.php to add the role. And transform the definition as follows:

return [
    'name' => fake()->name(),
    'email' => fake()->unique()->safeEmail(),
    'email_verified_at' => now(),
    'password' => '$2y$10$92IXUNpkjO0rOQ5byMi.Ye4oKoEa3Ro9llC/.og/at2.uheWG/igi',
    'remember_token' => Str::random(10),
    'role' => fake()->randomElement(RoleEnum::cases())->value,

What we did here is to retrieve the different cases of the RoleEnum and randomly choose the value of one of the cases to create the User during seeding.

We then modify the view resources/views/users.blade.phpto display the role of each user:

   <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">Users</h1>
        @foreach ($users as $user)
            <li class="flex justify-between px-4 py-2 my-4 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded">
                    <p class="font-semibold">{{ $user->name }}</p>
                    <p class=text-gray-500>{{ $user->email }}</p>
                <p class="font-bold text-gray-500">{{ $user->role }}</p>

Here, we added the role and used the Tailwind class flex to rearrange the elements.

Let’s run the migrations and seeding again to have users with roles:

sail artisan migrate:fresh --seed

We now have this new view:

Now, let’s go further to retrieve more information from the Enum.

Modification of the Enum (Version 1)

Admit that I want to add a description for each role, let’s try to do it without attributes first. So, let’s modify the Enum to add a descriptionmethod as follows:


namespace App\Enums;

enum RoleEnum: string
    case ADMIN = 'admin';
    case USER = 'user';
    case GUEST = 'guest';

    public function description(): string
        return match($this) 
            self::ADMIN => 'He\'s got full powers',
            self::USER => 'A classic user, with classic rights',
            self::GUEST => 'Oh, a guest, be nice to him!',

We can modify the view resources/views/users.blade.phpto display the role description as follows:

    <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">Users</h1>
         @foreach ($users as $user)
             <li class="flex justify-between px-4 py-2 my-4 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded">
                     <p class="font-semibold">{{ $user->name }}</p>
                     <p class=text-gray-500>{{ $user->email }}</p>
                 <div class="text-right">
                     <p class="font-bold text-gray-500">{{ $user->role }}</p>
                     <p>{{ $user->role->description() }}</p>

And that’s the result:

This is not the only way to do this from an Enum but the important thing is that it generates code for each element that we want to add to an Enum.

Let’s now get to the heart of the matter, refactoring.


Cleaning up

Delete what we will no longer need: – The description method of the RoleEnum Enum

Creation of the Description attribute

We will use PHP attributes, which are available since version 8. So, we will create an attribute to be able to retrieve the information from the Enum. If you are not familiar with the concept, here is the documentation:

To use an attribute, you must create a corresponding class. Let’s first create an AttributeProperty class which will be the parent of all our attributes. We place it in an app/Attributes folder and add the following code:


namespace App\Attributes;

use Attribute;

/* Indicate that Attribute will be use only on constants */#[Attribute(Attribute::TARGET_CLASS_CONSTANT)]
class AttributeProperty
    /* Will be useful to retrieve attribute class later */    public const ATTRIBUTE_PATH = 'App\Attributes\\';

    public function __construct(
        private mixed $value,
    ) {

     * Get the value of the attribute
     */    public function get(): mixed
        return $this->value;

Let’s now create our first attribute, the description, to replace our previous example. For this, we create a Description class in the app/Attributes folder and add the following code:


namespace App\Attributes;

use Attribute;

class Description extends AttributeProperty {}

And that’s it, our Description attribute class is already functional. We will be able to use it in our Enum.

Let’s add it as follows:


namespace App\Enums;

use App\Attributes\Description;

enum RoleEnum: string
    #[Description('He\'s got full powers')]
    case ADMIN = 'admin';
    #[Description('A classic user, with classic rights')]
    case USER = 'user';
    #[Description('Oh, a guest, be nice to him!')]
    case GUEST = 'guest';

Creation of the AttributableEnum trait

To be able to use an attribute, we need to retrieve it. For this, we will use the Reflection API which allows to retrieve information about classes, methods, properties, etc. For more information, here is the documentation:

The idea is to be able to use this method on all our future Enums. So, we will create an AttributableEnum trait in the app/Traitsfolder and add the following code:


namespace App\Traits;

trait AttributableEnum
    /* ... */}

We add this trait to our Enum app/Enums/RoleEnum.php as follows:


namespace App\Enums;

use App\Attributes\Description;
use App\Traits\AttributableEnum;

enum RoleEnum: string
    /* We use the trait we have created */    use AttributableEnum;

    #[Description('He\'s got full powers')]
    case ADMIN = 'admin';
    #[Description('A classic user, with classic rights')]
    case USER = 'user';
    #[Description('Oh, a guest, be nice to him!')]
    case GUEST = 'guest';

Our goal is to call the role description like this in the view:

   <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">Users</h1>
        @foreach ($users as $user)
            <li class="flex justify-between px-4 py-2 my-4 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded">
                    <p class="font-semibold">{{ $user->name }}</p>
                    <p class=text-gray-500>{{ $user->email }}</p>
                <div class="text-right">
                    <p class="font-bold text-gray-500">{{ $user->role }}</p>

                    <!-- Call the attribute description for this Enum case -->
                    <p class="text-gray-500">{{ $user->role->description() }}</p>

For this, we will modify the trait app/Traits/AttributableEnum.php and add the following method:


namespace App\Traits;

use App\Attributes\AttributeProperty;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use ReflectionAttribute;
use ReflectionEnum;

trait AttributableEnum
     * Call the given method on the enum case
     */    public function __call(string $method, array $arguments): mixed
        // Get attributes of the enum case with reflection API
        $reflection = new ReflectionEnum(static::class);
        $attributes = $reflection->getCase($this->name)->getAttributes();

        // Check if attribute exists in our attributes list
        $filtered_attributes = array_filter($attributes, fn (ReflectionAttribute $attribute) => $attribute->getName() === AttributeProperty::ATTRIBUTE_PATH . Str::ucfirst($method));

        // If not, throw an exception
        if (empty($filtered_attributes)) {
            throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s()', static::class, $method));

        return array_shift($filtered_attributes)->newInstance()->get();

To detail the process:

  • First, the magic method __call() allows us to intercept a call to a method that does not exist on our class. As there is no description() method on our Enum, we will be able to intercept it and do what we want with it.
  • The ReflectionEnum class allows us to retrieve all the information from our RoleEnum. We will be able to retrieve the attributes of our Enum as follows: $reflection->getCase($this->name)->getAttributes(). $this->name corresponds to the name of the Enum case.
  • We will then filter the attributes to keep only those that match to our Description attribute with the array_filtermethod. We use the constant AttributeProperty::ATTRIBUTE_PATH to retrieve the full path of our Description attribute which is App\Attributes\Description.
  • If we don’t find a corresponding attribute, we throw a BadMethodCallException to indicate that the method does not exist.
  • If we find a matching attribute, we will instantiate it and call its get() method to retrieve the value we are interested in.

And that’s it, with the combination of the Trait and PHP attributes, we have given superpowers to our Enums.

Creation of the BackgroundColor attribute

We will now create a new attribute to manage the background color of each role. For this, we will add a BackgroundColor class in the app/Attributes folder and add the same code as for the Description attribute for now.

We will go a little further by making sure to directly retrieve the Tailwind class for the background color.


namespace App\Attributes;

use Attribute;

class BackgroundColor extends AttributeProperty

    public function __construct(
        private mixed $value,
    ) {

     * Get the value of the attribute
     */    public function get(): string
        return 'bg-' . $this->value . '-100';

And that’s it, we can use it in our Enum app/Enums/RoleEnum.php as follows:

enum RoleEnum: string
    use AttributableEnum;

    #[Description('He\'s got full powers')]
    case ADMIN = 'admin';

    #[Description('A classic user, with classic rights')]
    case USER = 'user';

    #[Description('Oh, a guest, be nice to him!')]
    case GUEST = 'guest';

And we can use it in our view resources/views/users.blade.php, also modifying the style of the page, as follows:

   <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">Users</h1>
        @foreach ($users as $user)
            <li class="flex justify-between px-4 py-2 my-4 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded">
                <div class="flex flex-col justify-around">
                    <p class="text-lg font-semibold">{{ $user->name }}</p>
                    <p class=text-gray-500>{{ $user->email }}</p>
                <!-- We add the class generated by the Attribute here -->
                <div class="text-right px-4 py-1 mx-1 my-2 rounded-md {{  $user->role->backgroundColor()  }}">
                    <p class="font-bold text-gray-800/50">{{ $user->role }}</p>

                    <!-- Call the attribute description for this Enum case -->
                    <p class="text-gray-500">{{ $user->role->description() }}</p>

Tailwind, by default, only generates the classes present in the code. As our classes are dynamically generated, we will have to add a configuration so that Tailwind generates the background-color classes. For this, we will modify the file tailwind.config.js by adding a safelist as follows:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */export default {
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  safelist: [
      /* We want any bg color class to be generated */  
      pattern: /^bg-\w+-\d{2,3}$/,
  plugins: [],

Here is the result:

Creation of the Label attribute

To finish, we would like the name of the role to be displayed in a prettier way. So, we will create a Label attribute for this. We will create a Label class in the app/Attributes folder and add the following code:


namespace App\Attributes;

use Attribute;

class Label extends AttributeProperty {}

We apply it to our Enum app/Enums/RoleEnum.php as follows:


namespace App\Enums;

use App\Attributes\BackgroundColor;
use App\Attributes\Description;
use App\Attributes\Label;
use App\Traits\AttributableEnum;

enum RoleEnum: string
    use AttributableEnum;

    #[Description('He\'s got full powers')]
    case ADMIN = 'admin';

    #[Description('A classic user, with classic rights')]
    case USER = 'user';

    #[Description('Oh, a guest, be nice to him!')]
    case GUEST = 'guest';

We can, now, display it in the view resources/views/users.blade.php like this:

   <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">Users</h1>
        @foreach ($users as $user)
            <li class="flex justify-between px-4 py-2 my-4 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded">
                <div class="flex flex-col justify-around">
                    <p class="text-lg font-semibold">{{ $user->name }}</p>
                    <p class=text-gray-500>{{ $user->email }}</p>
                <!-- We add the class generated by the Attribute here -->
                <div class="text-right px-4 py-1 mx-1 my-2 rounded-md {{  $user->role->backgroundColor()  }}">
                    <!-- We use the value from Label attribute here -->
                    <p class="font-bold text-gray-800/50">{{ $user->role->label() }}</p>

                    <!-- Call the attribute description for this Enum case -->
                    <p class="text-gray-500">{{ $user->role->description() }}</p>

And the final version:


We can need to graft a lot of things to Enums, for my part, my need was on a choice of services, for the values of a select in a booking form. I needed formatted content elements, additional information, and elements useful for validation rules. This approach simplified my code and brought great flexibility to development.

If you don’t want to do it yourself, but want to use a package, I recommend you go see this one, it gave me the idea to dig into this subject and offers interesting additions on Enums:

To finish, if you have questions about dev subjects, don’t hesitate to dig, we learn a lot by doing it.

About me:

Fullstack developer for 3 years following a career change after 5 years of work in Web Marketing. I completed my developer training at Oclock. I work full-time in a company specialized in B2B marketing/project management. My daily work involves development on an e-commerce platform and an in-house ERP system that covers all the functions of our company. I work with a custom framework, Laravel, and Vue.js. On a personal note, I am passionate about the more creative side of the web, and I work a lot with Vue.js, Three.js, and Gsap to create fun projects.
Find me on X.

Damien Toscano

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