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Benjamin Lemin
Would change if proposed a dream job
Back-end developer
Permanent contract
Hybrid remote
Benjamin Lemin
Je suis développeur web depuis 15 ans, spécialisé dans le back-end en PHP
Back-end developerBraine-le-Comte
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J'ai choisi le développement web pour plusieurs points:

  • on arrête jamais d'apprendre (en groupe c'est encore mieux)
  • on y rencontre des challenges de toutes sortes
  • le chemin entre une problématique et sa solution technique est très satisfaisant
Professional experiences
15 years of experience as Back-end developer (or similar)
Formateur en ligne
Superprof - Braine-le-ComteJan 2022 - today · 3 years 2 months

Je me suis inscris sur la plateforme en tant que coach en programmation.
Depuis 2022, j'organise des sessions de travail en 1-1 avec des gens qui recherchent soit de l'aide en développement soit des explications techniques approfondies afin d'améliorer leur compréhension du métier

Web Consultant
Contraste Digital - Braine-l'AlleudNov 2019 - today · 5 years 4 months

En tant que développeur web, mon rôle est de participer au développement, à la mise en place et à la maintenance d'applications web.
Il s'agit essentiellement d'applications Drupal (7, 8 et 10).
Mais plus récemment, j'ai eu l'occasion de participer à un projet de grande envergure, écrit en Go et organisé en microservices. Le tout déployé via Docker et Kubernetes dans un environnement Azure

BluBird nv/sa - AuderghemApr 2018 - Jul 2019 · 1 year 3 months

Brussels Area, Belgium

En tant que consultant, j'ai intégré l'équipe développement et conception de la
société Delcampe.
Mon rôle est de participer à la maintenance, d'implémenter des améliorations
ainsi que de participer à de nouvelles fonctionnalités.
Le tout dans l'environnement de la plateforme
Au niveau des technologies utilisées : je travaille avec Symfony sur une db
J'ai également l'occasion de travailler régulièrement avec des technologies
annexe comme : gearman, elasticsearch et gulp

Web Developer
Isobar Belgium - AuderghemJul 2017 - Feb 2018 · 7 months

As a web developer, my job consisted into mainly maintenance of several
already existing websites. For example:,, honda-, ...
I worked in a small team of 4 people with a lot of very short projects.
All projects with PHP technologies: Wordpress, Drupal, Zend Framework 1.12,
Laravel 5 and from scratch custom architectures.

PHP Developer
- IPM Group - - EtterbeekNov 2016 - Jun 2017 · 7 months

As a Consultant in PHP development, I've joined a team at IPM group in
I'm responsible for the development of a new API relatives to the web platform
The API is developed with Symfony 3 within a Docker environment.
The project is managed with Atlassian platform (Bamboo, Bitbucket, Jira and

ADNEOM - BrusselsJul 2016 - Jun 2017 · 11 months

Here we go: the consultancy.
As consultant, I've made several missions:

  1. Flash Global in Luxembourg (Logistic and Transport)
  2. IPM Group in Brussels (LogicImmo)
PHP Developer
Flash - Luxembourg CityJul 2016 - Sep 2016 · 2 months

As a Adneom consultant, I worked at Flash Global company as a PHP
My mission was to work in a very small team to create a proof of concept on a
project called Easy4Pro.
My main activity was to improve already existing application, based on old
source code. Also, bring to the table best practices and innovative solutions in
order to make Easy4Pro ready for the market.

PHP Developer
F2C - Financial Communication Consult - Esch-sur-AlzetteJan 2015 - Aug 2015 · 7 months

This was my second job and I tried to move up to a new challenge: the
financial sector.
F2C is a company based in Luxembourg and their job is to be the middle man
between the edge funds and the public.
They're in charge of a web application called publifund which does that.
Basically, publifund allow edge funds companies to share informations about
store and treat those informations and help to publish those informations to
specialized media.
I've been employed as a PHP developer to help the local team for the
maintenance on several features:

  • I've worked on PDF generation (KIID)
  • I've worked on the local ticketing system
  • I've worked on automated web bot that check published informations (regex)
    This was very intense: I learned how important is to think about performances,
    that was the first time I worked in an organized team.
    This was also the first time I played with a very large databases (MySQL and
    MongoDB for documents).
Web Développeur PHP
Sogesa S.A. - FloreffeNov 2011 - Dec 2014 · 3 years 1 month

At the time, I just had my bachelor degree.
This first job was really fundamental for me: this is where I learned PHP for the
first time.
Here is the context: Sogesa is a company specialized in the agricultural land
management. Almost consultancy for farmers.
They needed an IT solution to handle their business as much on the ground as
on the administrative side.
Lets call a cat a cat: they needed an Enterprise Resource Planning.
I'm not proud of the code I did back then, but this application is still up and
running : I call that a success.
Technically, it was a big first time on many points: first time using Git, first
time experience with remote server, first time working with Symfony, first
professional web application, etc.

Perl Developer (student - work for graduates)
Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire Numérique (CBMN) - Ottignies-Louvain-la-NeuveFeb 2010 - May 2010 · 3 months

Agro-Biotheque in Gembloux
During my Bachelor degree, I did my work for graduates as a developer for the
I participate to a project called RAIDGBS, related to public health, for the
Walloon region.
My goal was to create a Perl script, called through a bash script.
The purpose was to create and fill up a MySQL database needed for the
The challenge was 2 separate things:

  • Perl language: I had to learn the language on the fly, by my own. I'm very
    proud of the final results and my coworker really appreciated as well.
  • practical Biology application: the context in which I worked was super
    interesting. I had to learn everything about protein markers on the cell
    membrane for bacteria.
    This project is still going on today.
3 years of higher education
Technofutur TIC
Web App Developer, Information Technology2016
Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège 'Rennequin Sualem'
System Programming, Industrial Programming2010
Collège Saint-Barthélemy
CESS, Strong Sciences & strong Mathematics2007
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Interested by...Ne pas rester sur mes acquis, continuer d'approfondir mes connaissances dans les frameworks et le développement web
  • Français
  • Anglais
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