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Regular Teleworking
Startup of 90 employees
Usually reply within 3 days
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Why you should join Hublo ? 1. Hublo's goal is MEANINGFUL. Hublo aims at helping hospitals, clinics and nursing home and so will you when you work with us. Hublo is developing a simple and ergonomic digital platform to help hospitals, clinics and Nursing-Homes to quickly find qualified professionals to allow them to refocus on their main mission, saving lives. Better manage staff on a daily basis, saving time and improving the quality of life at work are strong issues highlighted during the Covid health crisis. The Renfort-Covid annex platform, launched by Hublo in 2020, asked for solidarity between professionals. Supported by 11 Regional Health Agencies, Hublo made possible to mobilize more than 60,000 voluntary professionals in 2 months, to which more than 6,000 health and medico-social facility were able to have access. Listen here a hospital talking about Hublo : 2. Hublo is MODERN. You will work with people who aim at using only modern tools and at respecting world-class best practices for software engineering. Every Software Engineer will have spare time to focus on reducing the technical debt 3. Hublo has INTERESTING PROBLEMS to solve. Our candidates have engineering background and they want to solve complex problems and not just setting up a new server every three to four weeks. 4. Hublo is AGILE. You will have a direct access to the founders including the CTO. You will be able to expose your vision and discuss technical decisions but also strategic ones 5. Hublo has already an AMAZING TECH TEAM. You will have colleagues you can learn from, who are open for critics and who criticize you to make you progress. You will have good discussions about issues and technical questions. You will meet a multicultural team that likes to get together over a drink, a good lunch, sporting challenges and quizzes. You will have amazing time during annual seminar is organized to bring together the whole team (Sologne, Portugal, Ski resort, Marseille) and meet in an informal setting to share and discuss. 6. Hublo offers opportunities for every Software Engineer to LEARN. Every Software Engineer will have spare time to develop their skills and learn new best practices and new technologies 7. Hublo is GROWING. In 2017, we were only 3 and now in 2021 we are more than 90. Growth creates opportunities, the environment is more dynamic and much more exciting. 8. Hublo is REMOTE-FRIENDLY We are convinced that you can work from anywhere
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