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WeLoveDevs - Developer Profile

This package allow you to create a pretty and easy to use - developer specific - profile without the usual strain that comes with it. You can use, edit and do whatever you desire with it.

However, we understand not everyone have the time nor wants to deal with all this, this is why we decided to create a free SAAS version here.

We are open for feedbacks and will answers your issues as soon as we can.

Sections -

  • Install
  • Usage
  • Pull Requests & Coding Guideline


You can integrate this profile as such:

import { DeveloperProfile } from '@wld/developer-profile';

const ApplicationComponent = () => {
return (

export const Application = ApplicationComponent;

If you want to use the google maps autocomplete api, please make sure to add


In the header of your HTML page.

If you want to use the GIPHY api, please make sure to provide a apikey.giphy to the options props of the profile


We created a default theme based on WeLoveDevs' graphical identity.

You can modify this theme and create your own unique style.

Please see utils/styles/theme/theme.js for an example.

Pull Requests & Coding Guideline

You can fork and edit this package as you desire.

If you want to create pull requests (💙) then following some rules will be highly appreciated:

Props spreading

Even though we - at WeLoveDevs - really like spreading as much as we can, we decided to NOT spread components props as it can leads to quite a lot of side effects.


🚫 Do not write

<Component {...{ key, data } />

✅ Do write

<Component key={key} data={data} />


We use a project structure which, we believe, is the most readable.