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Input props


mode"edit"|"readOnly"Use this to activate or disable the Edit mode. In "edit" mode you will be able to update and customize your resume. Use "readOnly" in production.
dataJSONResumeThis is your stringified JSONResume
optionsObjectSee options for more informations here
onCustomizationChangedCallbackGet the current customization if the customization is updated.
additionalNodesObjectAdditional nodes is used to add react components directly inside the resume. This is an advanced feature that will be documented later.

Options object

locale"fr"|"en"Resume locale (Default to "en")
side"front"|"back"Force cards side (Default to none)
apiKeys{ giphy : string }Api keys for 3thd party librairies. For instance Giphy in edit mode.
endpoint{ devicons : string, unsplashProxy: string }Endpoints for 3thd party services. Used to get the technology list and use unsplash.
customizationObjectCurrent resume customization.
maxCardsPerRownumberNumber of cards per row in the grid (defaults to none)

JSON-Resume Extra Fields

CategoryField nameTypeDescription
basicsvisaSponsorshipBooleanTrue if you need a visa sponsorship to work in your dream country.
basicspersonalDescriptionStringA short description that will be displayed below your name in the resume header. Example: "Passionate React Developer".
dreamJoblocationsArray<{ name : string, title: string }>Your dream job cities. Example: "San Francisco, US".
workremoteFrequency{frequency: 'no'} | { frequency: 'fullTime'} | {frequency: 'hybrid';daysPerWeek: number | null;}Give here more information about the frequency if your dream job is a remote job. Example: "fullTime"
educationstudiesLevelNumberWhat is your highest level of formal education? (Bachelor = 3 years post graduate. Master = 5 years post graduate)
workcontractTypesArray<"fixedTerm" | "permanent" | "internship" | "apprenticeship" | "freelance">Your dream job contract types. Example: ['fixedTerm']
workcodingYearsNumberHow long have you been coding (in years)? Example: 5
workcodingReasonStringWhat motivates you to wake up every day to code?
worksearchState"activelySearching" | "openOpportunities" | "dreamjobOnly" | "notSearching"Are you open to new job opportunities?
workexperienceYearsNumberHow many years of professional experience do you have?
soundembedUrlStringYour favorite Spotify playlist.
interestedByStringWhat languages do you want to learn? Example: Angular and Vue.js