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Head Office Address: 165 avenue de Bretagne, 59000 Lille
Share Capital Amount: €25,000 (Euros)
RCS Registration Number: 818 572 877 RCS Lille Metropole
Telephone Number: 01 75 85 02 52
Email Address:
APE Code: 7022Z
Intra-community VAT Number: FR 04 818572877
Development, Graphics, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €25,000
Whose head office is located at 18, rue royale, 59320 Radinghem en Weppes
Telephone: 01 75 85 02 52
Contact details of the site host:
Cloud SAS, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of €22,952 whose head office is located at 3, rue de l’Allier, 44000 Nantes.
Name of the Director of Publication: Damien Cavaillès
CNIL Declaration Number: 2035582 v 0