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Antoine Rodriguez
En recherche active
Développeur Back-end
Alternance, CDD, Freelance, CDI
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À propos
Antoine Rodriguez
Python / Django Developer looking for new opportunities
Développeur Back-endParis
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I am a junior Developer, looking for a first job after an intership. I already have a solid basis in backend-development, mainly focused around Python web development with Flask / Django. I also know how to connect the back to the front, and to deploy on different cloud service providers. I am currently building some DevOps skills.

Expériences professionnelles
1 an d'expérience en tant que Développeur Back-end (ou similaire)5 ans ans d'expérience dans d'autres domaines
Backend Developper Internship
Listen2meet - Parisaoût 2023 - sept. 2023 · 1 mois

I interned in a small startup that proposed a dating app centered around sound and voice, at www.listen2meet.fr that is built with Django. I mainly worked on light frontend tasks, also implemanting the social authentification fonctionnality and the playlist logic

Web Developer & Videast
Freelance - Saint-Denis, La Réunionmars 2023 - aujourd'hui · 2 ans

My freelance activity as a Web Developer and Videast, mainly for small-businesses.
Before doing a Web Developing formation mainly focused on Django, I already was
Freelance Videast for a few years after Audiovisual Studies.

Director/ Photographer
Freelance - Parisaoût 2019 - déc. 2022 · 3 ans 4 mois

After a few experiences in the french movies industry, I decided to work for myself as a freelance Videast, shooting, editing and delivering videos to small businesses while also working for small video companies from time to time.

Premier assistant réalisateur
Vallée production - Parisoct. 2017 - janv. 2018 · 3 mois

Assistant-director on a found-footage/paranormal-horror kind of movie, which ultimately landed on Netflix.

3e assistant-décorateur
LABYRINTHE FILMS - Parisaoût 2017 - août 2017 ·

My first job after movie school, being an assistant set-decorator for a few months, buying small accessories at flea markets, going to special furniture renting businesses for movies, painting accessories or walls.

4 ans d'études supérieures
Programmation informatique2022
ESEC - Ecole Supérieure d’Etudes Cinématographiques
Licence, Réalisation / Assistanat de Réalisation2017
Interessé parI am interested in learning some Devops skills next
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