Converting legacy Wordpress site to Next.js 14 e-commerce app using Server
actions / components, api routes and web hooks. Using Stripe for order and
payment processing, Sanity for product maintenance /CMS and Kinde for
Added jest unit tests, playwright e2e tests and Github Actions for CI/CD.
Technologies used Next.js, React, Typescript, Prisma (PostgreSQL), GROC
and tailwind for styling.
Worked on multiple .Net Optimizely e-commerce sites and microsites, using
Jira to manage workflow.
Notable projects include: Mobile optimisation, and product Recommendations.
Mobile optimisation entailed improving the usability of areas of the site with the
goal of increasing conversion. Recommendations involved creating reusable
Angular components which hooked up to an Peerius Api to retrieve products.
Each component was customisable in Optimizely.
Worked to implement Playwright tests for Smoke and Regression automated
Converting legacy .Net application admin tool to headless Next.js web app,
created a component library in storybook with tailwind for styling.
Mentored Junior developers: Offering expertise and guidance on web
development best practices, coding standards, and effective problem-solving
techniques. This included regular code reviews and pair programming.
Technologies used include Angular 14, TypeScript, RXJS, Vue, React, Razor,
Optimizely / Episerver, Next.js, Tailwind, SCSS.
Worked on Subscription and Conversion projects, Weekly sprints using
Azure DevOps to manage board. The Subscriptions project entailed adding
functionality to allow customers to buy a monthly recurring policy. Conversion
project involved working on areas of the site to improve conversion, reduce
drop-offs and time spent on page. Changes were A/B tested using ConfigCat.
Notable changes included the vehicle lookup and payment screen.
Worked on The React Native app.
Technologies used React, Redux + Sagas, TypeScript, JEST for Unit tests.
Cypress for Smoke and Regression tests. Styled Components for styles and
Storybook for the component library. Circle CI for CI/CD.
Worked on Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply *CIPS E-commerce
re-platform project, Technologies used CSS(BEM), Javascript and HTML.
Worked on The Wine Society e-commerce re-platform.
Working in .Net Optimizely e-commerce project, in agile environment using
Jira. Worked with backend developers to integrate layout designs via REST
apis and Razor files.
Technologies used SCSS(BEM), Javascript ES6, React (16 inc hooks) and
Webpack for builds.
• Brought in to get behind schedule Checkout redesign project live, working
with 3rd party providers, and on legacy ASP.NET webform codebase.
Technologies used ES5 Javascript and SCSS for styling. On project
completion, worked on adding further functionality to the checkout.
• Using Lighthouse / google pagespeed as benchmarks, worked to improve
site performance and fix legacy code bugs.
• Introduced new git branching technique based on gitflow and created new
repos to make codebase manageable.
• Working in an agile environment with Jira, Wireframed and created New site
functionality. Optimized and refactored AngularJS code with ES6, working
with REST APIS for data and Login. Introduced Webpack for build, and SCSS
(BEM) components for styles.
• Implemented chat and notification system using socket.IO.
•Worked on redesign of Corporate website (Wordpress) with emphasis on
improving mobile performance and SEO.
Shoreditch, London / Rayne, Essex
• Worked on redesign of main corporate site, migrating templates from
Symfony 1 to Symfony 2 Twig templates. Using Bootstrap 3 grid system to
produce a mobile first site with gulp to minify JS SCSS, and sprites.
• Wireframed and build new content area for the website, ‘content hub’ to drive
• Worked to enhance sections of the website, notably replacing the Bootstrap
navigation with a full width dropdown menu and new mobile navigation using
Javascript and SCSS (BEM).
• Developed and Maintained websites Visual Studio + SQL server,
Implemented Grunt, then Gulp to minify site assets. Introduced Trello to
manage teams’ workflow.
• Worked on responsive mobile first V2 of website using Knockout, Angular,
Bootstrap 3 SASS and Gulp.
• Built an online pharmacy microsite in AngularJS 1.3 using REST APIs.
• Built IOS app proof of concept using ionic + angular, Express, MongoDB for
authentication and REST microservices.
Skills: Angular 1.3, Ionic, Knockout, ES5, .Net, razor, Node, Express, SCSS,
Gulp + Grunt
Owner of limited company for contract and freelance work.
• Worked on the redesign of multiple Wordpress microsites.
• Used Balsamiq to wireframe transactional emails for designers, and then
handed coded them as per finished designs.
• Created new landing pages, and worked on making more areas of the site
responsive for Mobile.
• Manage daily workflow of development team split between London and
• Reporting directly to CEO, Chair weekly meeting with stakeholders to decide
ticket priorities.
• Responsible for Jira board, and release management.
• Responsible for creative content pieces and microsites on website such as
London Lab and Shoe Boutique.
• Working to improve site performance, removing redundant code, inline CSS
and Javascript. Reduced http requests with sprites, converting multiple CSS
files to single minified SCSS.
• Worked on Mobile proof of concept website using Angular JS Framework.
Developed a range of different content pieces for the Net-a-porter on
different platforms (desktop, tablet and mobile) and International channels
using Javascript / Jquery, HTML + CSS / SASS.
• Working on the redesign of the html magazine The Edit, and producing the
first German version of the magazine.
• Developed and Maintained website using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript /Jquery
in Visual Studio + SQL server.
• Optimizing website for accessibility and SEO, with the aim of reducing http
requests, cleaning up code, reducing images sizes with sprites + scene7, and
replacing elements in flash with JQuery.
• Worked closely with creative to convert briefs (mainly PSD’s and JPGS) to
hand coded brand and magazine pages.
• Additional achievements include: Implementing umbraco cms to allow
business to manage site content, and using master-templates + xslt to create
new content features such as the online magazine “The Review”
and the Vogue online fashion week.
• Developed and Maintained Internet, Intranet and Micro-site websites with an
emphasis on design.
• Expertise in UI, accessibility, & navigation using CSS based sites.
Hand coding XHTML to W3C standards and ensuring cross browser support.
Ensuring SEO for Websites, and consulting business how to optimize
corporate CMS.
• Project managing, working closely with service areas, and partner agencies
to accomplish requirements and expectations.
(less than a year)
This role involved redesigning the content, navigation and structure of the
website with the aim of providing a better user experience for students and
- English